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Launch of GP Fashion Clothing!

By amin | August 3, 2009



Hey Everyone!

I’ve been super busy working on my own online boutique called GP Fashion Clothing! I’m so excited for this launch as I have been working really hard on it with my amazing web designer Darren! Darren designed both this website and GP Fashion Clothing’s website….what an amazing job eh?

The website for GP Fashion Clothing is now launched at so please go check it out! We are still working on it as there is a ton of stock we need to add to it including girls wear and woman’s Indian wear but it’s so great to just see the website up and running! All of my jewelry is from GP Fashion Clothing. I found some really amazing jewelry items in my travels!

I always love to hear from my supporters so email me at I get tons of lovely comments from so many of you and I love to meet new people so feel free to contact me!


-Amin xo